In order to promote road safety with action on helmets, drink-driving, speeding, seat-belts and visibility World Health Organization (WHO) created series of five posters. This campaign targeted young people because 40% of all traffic deaths occur among people aged 0-25. This is a list of WHO posters on road safety and slogans used in this […]
“Stories move people and motivate them to take actions” Road traffic accidents are very huge problem. Opportunity to experience an accident in road traffic it is common for every man or woman, christian or muslims, white or black … Technology development and education of people could prevent a number of accidents, but still we must […]
To start with a road safety campaign it is very important to have a proper slogan on road safety. Selected road safety slogan for campaign will be used on posters, billboards, videos… Here is collection of some road traffic slogans: Alert today – Alive tomorrow. Normal speed meets every need. Anyone driving slower […]